Homepage des Radioclubs Pegau im Bürgerverein Stadtmühle Groitzsch e.V.

WW-Locator: JO61DD38OH

Headset HM-198 / TS570

I did some modification on my HM-198 used with the IC-7000
since somebody told me audio is not so well on higher frequency.

Magnetic Loop Ant 10m - 4m

For watching the 10m, 6m and 4m bands ES openings this magnetic loop antenna was built. A juvenile bicycle rim is used as the loop.
The Butterfly-C is made of some laser-cut aluminum of 3mm.

Historie Radioclub

Historie Radioclub

Überblick zur Entwicklung der Clubstation anhand von QSLs und Logbuchauszügen bis ca. 1989


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